The Wisdom of Insecurity
Vector-based Graphics & Photographic Capture
Pigment Prints on Paper. 110 x 160 cm. Edition of 2 / AP 1.



Saturn V / Atlantis
From the print series Finished With Engines 
Photographic Pigment Prints on Paper. 148 x 111cm. Edition of 2 / AP 1.



Manifesting Worlds (Infinite Loop). Excerpts 1 & 2.
Film Still. 16mm transferred to Digital Video. Projection with Stereo Soundtrack
Courtesy of the Kennedy Space Center and Galerie Andreas Schmidt, Berlin, Germany
Duration 00:03:27



Sovereign Pasteboard Power
From the print series Soundings
Sounding No. 17A, Punta Cabra, Baja Sur, Mexico. 
Silver-Gelatin Selenium-toned Print Series of 21 Images
Edition of 5 / AP 1 / EP 1. 8 x 10 inches



How Long Shall They Kill Our Prophets (While We Stand Aside And Look)
Oil Stick on Belgian Linen. 90 x 218 centimeters.
U.S. Corporate Profits vs. Employee Compensation with Rising Economic Uncertainty Index (Trend) 1998-2017 

Courtesy of GSL Projekt, Berlin, Germany.



Everything is Getting BWEOTRTSEER
Aluminum Cabinet, Plexiglass, LED Light Emitting Diodes, CPU, Power Transformer.
52 x 32 x 10 cm / Edition of 5 / AP 1 
Courtesy of Galerie Andreas Schmidt, Berlin, Germany.



Wheel Of Fortune, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, 2015, 2020…..
From the print series Wheel of Fortune
Archival Pigment Prints on Cotton Rag Paper, 111 x 111 cm, Edition of 5 / AP 1
Courtesy of Brugge Triennale, Belgium.



Listening Session I & II: Fear of Death / Fear of Life
From the performance series Listening Sessions
Audio Monitors, Amplifiers, Blankets, Printed Artist Publication & ​Artist Performance.
Courtesy of Nova Kultura Foundation



The End Is Only The Beginning of Another Story
From the video series American Endings
Dual Channel HD Video Installation, Stereo Soundtrack. Duration 00:25:15. 
Courtesy of US Department of State Artist Grant Program & Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.